Town of Coaldale Continues to Experience Above Average Population Growth


From 2018-2022, Coaldale saw the second highest population growth in the region.


In December of last year, the Town of Coaldale officially released its 2023 Comparative Analysis – an annual report that compares Coaldale’s operational and financial performance to the operational and financial performances of eight other similarly sized and neighbouring municipalities (Blackfalds, Drumheller, Edson, Innisfail, Lethbridge, Lethbridge County, Ponoka, and Taber).

In keeping with the Town’s 2022 Analysis, the Town’s 2023 Analysis compares Coaldale to its peer and neighbouring municipalities across seven benchmarks – one of which is population growth.
As the data reveals, from 2018-2022 Coaldale saw the second highest population growth in the region, trailing only Lethbridge by 0.4%.


“If a municipality's population is growing, this tells us something about what it has to offer - whether it be in terms of better services, more housing options, or more employment opportunities”, said Cameron Mills, Deputy CAO and Director of Growth and Investment for the Town of Coaldale. “A common saying in our line of work is that if your municipality isn’t growing, it’s dying, so it’s reassuring to see that from a regional perspective, Coaldale is continuing to experience above average population growth”.

“In Council’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, we identify proactively facilitating residential development to attract new residents to our community – and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing” said Town of Coaldale Mayor Jack Van Rijn. “This summer, Shift Real Estate announced a brand-new subdivision called Malloy Landing in Coaldale’s northwest corner and I’m happy to say that Phase 1 lots are now available for purchase. The subdivision borders the Town’s brand-new high school and multi-use rec centre and over the next 5-10 years will become home to an estimated 1200-1500 new residents.”

“We’re seeing significant interest in investing in new housing in Coaldale”, said Mills. “Malloy Landing represents a multi-million-dollar private investment in our community, as developers are recognizing Coaldale’s current and future potential within the highly competitive southern Alberta real-estate market. With our low crime rate, strong economy, and high quality of life, Coaldale has a lot to offer potential new residents and that’s something the market is recognizing.”

To read the Town of Coaldale’s 2023 Comparative Analysis, please visit:

For more information about Malloy Landing, please visit: