2024 Property Tax Notices
The 2024 Property Tax Notices were mailed out on May 31 and are due June 30, 2024. Due to processing delays at The Province of Alberta Land Titles Office, recent ownership and mailing address changes may not be reflected on Property Tax Notices.
If your mailing address has changed, you are required to update your address with the Alberta Land Titles Office before the Town can make any changes. The Province's Change of Address form can be found here:
If you have not received your tax bill please contact the Town office at 403-345-1300 prior to June 30th to avoid penalties.
How to Pay
Payment can be made during normal business hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm) at the Town Office by cash, cheque, or INTERAC Direct Payment. A drop box is available for payments made outside of business hours.
Payment by credit card is available through PaySimply, a third-party service provider, at:
You may also mail your payments to the Town Office, with cheques payable to “Town of Coaldale”.
Non-receipt of your property tax bill does not exempt you from tax payment deadlines nor late payment penalties. If you have not received your property tax bill please phone the Town Office at 403-345-1300.
Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP)
Town of Coaldale allows residents to make 12 equal monthly penalty exempt pre-authorized payments to pay their property taxes rather than one lump sum payment on the tax due date. Applications for the TIPP Program are accepted up to and including May 31st of each year. Find out all you need to know about TIPP, including an application form, by downloading the document below.
Please note that if you are in the process of completing, or have completed, a new construction during the current tax year, you are unable to enroll in the TIPP Program until your Supplemental Property Assessment and Tax Notice has been paid in full.