Business Licenses

EVERY business, trade, profession, industry, occupation, employment or calling that provides a good and/or service within or partially within the Town of Coaldale requires a business license. Exceptions include:

  • A charitable/non-profit organization;
  • A business that, from time to time, may be exempted as Council by Resolution;
  • A business carried on by the Government of Alberta or the Government of Canada;
  • A business exempted from municipal licensing requirements by provincial or federal legislation

Business License Application 

To apply for a business license, please fill out a business license application form and return it to the Town Office in person or by email at To see the fee schedule, please scroll to the bottom of the page. 

Business License Application

Business Licensing for Home-Based Businesses

ANY occupation, trade, profession, or craft which is "for-profit" as a secondary use to residential use of any building in the Town of Coaldale constitutes as a “Home Occupation.” In this case, a business license for a home-based business is required, and a home occupation application must be completed and submitted to the Town’s development officer with the appropriate fee. A clear description of the business is required as part of the application. Please see the Town of Coaldale’s Home Occupation FAQs sheet for additional details.

Home Occupation Application

Payment Options

 Before we can process a business license application, we require payment. Payment can be made during normal business hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm) at the Town Office by cash, cheque, or INTERAC Debit Payment. A drop box is available for payments made outside of business hours. 

Payment by credit card is available through PaySimply, a third-party service provider at PaySimply.

You may also mail your payments to the Town Office, with cheques payable to "Town of Coaldale".

Please note if you pay online, you will need to use the current date as your account number (eg. August 31 would be 0831). We require confirmation of online payments to be emailed to to ensure the payment is applied to the correct application. 

Fee Schedule

Business Located in the Town of Coaldale

Zoning Annual Fee Commercial, Industrial, Institutional/Recreational $100
Home Occupation #1 (Home Office) $100
Home Occupation #1 Initial Development Fee $50
Home Occupation #2 (Customers come to the home) $175
Home Occupation #2 Initial Fee Development Fee $200


Business Located Outside the Town of Coaldale

Daily $25
Monthly $100
Annually $400


Is there anything else I should know?

  • Any advertising for a business operating in the Town of Coaldale is deemed proof of business conduct in the Town of Coaldale.
  • An approved development permit is required for all businesses located in the Town of Coaldale.
  • A business license will be mailed to new applicants at the end of the same month in which the business license was purchased.
  • Payment is required to begin the development permit or business licensing process.

For help with any aspect of the business licensing process, please contact the Town Office at 403-345-1300 or through our electronic contact form, which can be found here.