Development Plans

South Saskatchewan Regional Plan

All of the Town's statutory plans (Municipal and Intermunicipal Development Plans, etc.) must be aligned with the Government of Alberta's South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (SSRP). 

The SSRP sets the stage for robust growth, vibrant communities, and a healthy environment within the region over the next 50 years. With that long-term horizon in mind, the SSRP identifies strategic directions for the region over the next 10 years. The regional plan will be assessed and, if necessary, updated every five years to maintain its relevance and effectiveness while maintaining certainty, stability, and commitment to regulatory intent. Any subsequent revisions to the plan require consultation with Albertans.

To read the SSRP, please click on the button below.

South Saskatchewan Regional Plan

Intermunicipal Development Plan

As per Sections 631 & 692 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), two or more councils of municipalities that have common boundaries and that are not members of a growth region must adopt an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) to include those areas of land lying within the boundaries of the municipalities as they consider necessary.

Together, the Town & Lethbridge County therefore adopted an IDP that addresses existing and future land uses and the policies around sound decision-making to avoid future land use conflicts and to foster ongoing coordination, collaboration, and cooperation between the two municipalities.

To read the Town's IDP, please click on the button below. 

Town of Coaldale-Lethbridge County Intermunicipal Development Plan

Municipal Development Plan

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires every municipality to adopt a Municipal Development Plan (MDP). In keeping with MDPs in general, the Town's MDP is a key policy document that communicates the long-term desired land use for the Town. It is a high-level blueprint that shows how the Town is expected to change over time and the shape it will take in the future. It is often described as the “view from 30,000 feet” to reflect the conceptual, big-picture, development trajectory of the Town.

To view the Town's current MDP, please click on the button below.

Town of Coaldale Municipal Development Plan

Area Structure Plans

As per Section 633 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), Coaldale Town Council may adopt Area Structure Plans. These plans provide a framework for subsequent subdivision and development of an area of land and must describe:

  •  the sequence of development proposed for the area;
  • the land uses proposed for the area, either generally or with respect to specific parts of the area;
  • the density of population proposed for the area either generally or concerning specific parts of the area; and
  • the general location of major transportation routes and public utilities.

Area Redevelopment Plans

Area Redevelopment Plans (ARPs) provide a planning framework to guide redevelopment decisions within a defined area of the Town. As per Section 634 of the Municipal Government Act, Coaldale Town Council may adopt an ARP for any or all of the following reasons:

  • preserving or improving land and buildings in a given area;
  • rehabilitating buildings in a given area;
  • removing buildings from a given area;
  • constructing or replacing buildings in a given area;
  • establishing, improving, or relocating roads, public utilities, or other services in a given area; and
  • facilitating any other development in a given area.

Infrastructure Plans

The Town's economic and social well-being depends greatly on the construction and maintenance of sustainable infrastructure. For this reason, Coaldale Town Council has adopted infrastructure plans designed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Town's potable, storm, and sanitary water systems, as well as its transportation system. To read the Town's current infrastructure plans, please see the list below.

Parks & Recreation Plans

To guide decision-making surrounding the current and future state of the Town's recreational services & facilities, Coaldale Town Council has adopted several parks and recreation plans.