Appeal Your Assessment

Prior to filing a written complaint, taxpayers are encouraged to contact Benchmark Assessment Consultants Ltd. The assessor can review your assessment with you. If the assessor determines an error has been made, your assessment will be revised. 

If after talking with the assessor, you feel your concerns are not satisfied, you may file a formal complaint with the Assessment Review Board on or before the final date for complaint indicated on your assessment notice. A written complaint explaining why you feel your assessment is incorrect, along with the appropriate filing fee must be submitted to the Town of Coaldale. The information required to file a complaint, along with a fee schedule is stated on your assessment notice. If you would like to submit a formal complaint, please fill out an Assessment Review Board Complaint Form. You can download the form here: 

Assessment Review Board Complaint Form

If you are appealing your assessment notice, your taxes must still be paid in full by the due date to avoid incurring penalties.

For more information about your property assessment, contact Benchmark Assessment Consultants at 403-381-0535.