Business Loans

Can your business use a boost?

The Business Improvement Loan Program with Lethbridge Community Futures provides loans to make small improvements to your business. An attractive business front means a lot to customers. You’d be amazed what fresh paint, great window dressing and new landscaping can do to help improve your bottom line. Through a partnership with the Town of Coaldale, funds are available to cover the interest on these loans of up to $25,000.  No other municipality in the region provides a loan program of this value, or covering this wide a range of possible improvements!

Contact Lethbridge Community Futures for more information on this and other business-related programs and services:

Community Futures Lethbridge Region

2626 South Parkside Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 0C4

T: 403-320-6044 F: 403-327-8476

Is your business eligible?

Find further information on the program and how to apply by clicking the link below:

Coaldale Application