Coaldale Town Council Approves Sale of Photo-Radar Van to Coaldale Citizens on Patrol


Established in May, 2023, Coaldale Citizens on Patrol is a volunteer group that acts as extra eyes and ears for local law enforcement.




During its January 13, 2025, Regular Council Meeting, Coaldale Town Council approved the sale of the Town's former photo-radar van to Coaldale Citizens on Patrol (COP)

The decision to repurpose the van stems from the province’s recent decision to prohibit photo radar speed enforcement on all provincial highways and restrict its use to school zones, playground zones, and construction zones. Given these changes, it became unnecessary for the Town to continue operating a vehicle dedicated solely to photo-radar enforcement. As a result, Coaldale Town Council determined that rather than sell the van at auction, it should instead be sold to Coaldale COP for a symbolic $1 – effectively giving Coaldale COP a vehicle for active patrols, while at the same time insulating the Town from taking on any extra risk or insurance liability.

“From the very beginning of our term, our Council has made enhancing public safety a key priority”, said Town of Coaldale Mayor, Jack Van Rijn. “That’s why we approved $2,500 in seed money to start up a local COP group in May of 2023, and that’s ultimately why we decided to green light giving this van to Coaldale COP during our last meeting. Giving the van to Coaldale COP not only aligns with our commitment to public safety, but also, ensures that this group of dedicated volunteers has the resources they need to contribute to the security and well-being of our residents.”

Once ownership of the van is transferred, Coaldale COP will assume full responsibility for insuring, maintaining, and operating the vehicle. Meanwhile, the Town, in recognition of the value that Coaldale COP brings to the community, will reimburse Coaldale COP for operational expenses such as vehicle insurance, fuel, and oil changes. Coaldale COP will begin using the van for active patrols as soon as insurance is secured. 

Established in May 2023, Coaldale COP is a volunteer group that acts as extra eyes and ears for local law enforcement. If something occurs that either appears to be (or sounds like it is) criminal in nature, members of this group will report what they have either witnessed or heard to the Coaldale RCMP. Currently, the group is actively recruiting new members

If you would like to join Coaldale Citizens on Patrol, please contact Rod Tilson at 403-394-8131

Members of Coaldale Citizens on Patrol:

  • must have a valid drivers license;
  • must pass an annual criminal record/background check;
  • must spend at least 6 hours on patrols each month;
  • must follow the Alberta Citizens on Patrol Association Reference Manual; and
  • must attend regular meetings and training.

For more information about Alberta Citizens on Patrol, please visit: