Lethbridge Corridor Victim Services (LCVS) is a non-profit organization administered by a board of directors and coordinator. LCVS serves the communities of Lethbridge Rural, Coaldale, Milk River, Picture Butte and Raymond, receiving referrals from the local RCMP detachments.
Our role is to alleviate the impact of crime/tragedy on its victims. At the time of the incident, we provide a listening ear, comfort and reassurance by phone or in person; in the victim’s home or at the hospital.
In cases where court appearance is necessary, we contact the witness/victim to offer information on court procedures and upcoming court dates. We are available to accompany the victim to court.
We provide resource material and information on Solicitor General Programs available to victims of crime, such as Financial Benefits, Victim Impact Statement and Requesting Restitution Programs. When victims want information about their case, we liaise with those handling the police file to promptly answer questions.
Volunteer opportunities
Caring, dedicated and mature people are needed to provide front line support, information and referrals to victims, families and others affected by crime or tragedy. We are looking for volunteers who share our genuine desire to help others in a time of crisis and who have strong communication skills including the need to maintain confidentiality. Front line volunteers, referred to as Advocates, are trained in many areas including victim rights, crisis intervention, communication, police procedure, court orientation and Solicitor General Programs. Full trained Advocates receive Solicitor General Certification through e-learning and face to face training opportunities. This service, providing 24-hour assistance, is delivered by responding to crisis calls received by the RCMP. Advocates work closely with the RCMP and require a high level of security clearance.