Capital & Operating Budgets

In accordance with Sections 242 and 245 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), Council must pass a five year capital plan (2024-2028) and a three-year operating plan (2024-2026) at the beginning of each Council term. The Town of Coaldale's capital and operating budgets serve as financial representations of these plans and are reviewed/updated each year to:

  • ensure that Town residents continue to receive secure and reliable service delivery; and
  • facilitate thoughtful planning for the future. 

These budgets prioritize what taxpayers value most — maintaining our community’s assets and continually investing in programs and the local economy. 

To learn more about the Town's budget process, please watch the videos below. To view the Town's current and past budgets, please scroll to the bottom of the page. 

Developing the Town's Budget

Coaldale's Revenue Streams

Still not sure how it works? Download our infographics to answer some of your most commonly asked questions:

To read the Town's most recent capital and operating budgets, please click on the buttons below:

2024-2028 Capital Budget

2024-2026 Operating Budget